FREE REPORT: How to use Customer Success Stories to Boost Sales, Build Brand and Influence

Bring alive your marketing messages with Customer Success Stories.


Photo by Nicholas Green on Unsplash

Bring alive your marketing messages with Customer Success Stories.

“Use a story to demonstrate a proven solution to an urgent problem and customers will have their credit cards out, ready to buy before you can say, Ned Kelly”.

Alistair Gray – The Good News Writer

We have all sat through those boring presentations where the presenter has talked about how good they are, how long they have been in business, how big and successful they are, and how great their products are. Your eyes blur over and wish you were out of there sitting on the beach, sipping on a cold beer enjoying the fresh air. “Scotty beam me up!”

So what?

You are thinking, “So what? I couldn’t give a crap about your corporate blurb. It is just marketing hype. It does nothing to help me! How can you help me get customers? Solve that problem in accounts?” Or whatever the problem of the day is.

Why do you do this? It is all internally focused. In your eyes, the most important person is you and your organization. You are showing it to a point you are repelling potential customers.

Just as you are the most important person in your eyes, the most important person to your customer is them. They are not interested in you or your issues. They have enough of their own.

Focus on the customer

Always focus on the customer. What is the conversation going on in their minds? What is causing them grief? Where are they bleeding?

When you focus on a customer’s expensive, urgent problem, then demonstrate a proven solution, they will have their credit cards out, ready to buy before you can say, Ned Kelly.

Stories paint mind pictures

Just like the saying, “Pictures tell a thousand words.” Stories paint mind pictures create emotional connections and memories. They make situations real, create authenticity, build credibility, educate, and enable you to prove that your solutions work. In other words, carefully crafted customer success stories aligned with your core marketing messages sell.

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