FREE REPORT: How to use Customer Success Stories to Boost Sales, Build Brand and Influence

Stories to Support Causes and Fundraising

We write Stories to support Charities and Fund Raising

Stories to Support Causes and Fundraising

“Storytelling is the most powerful ways to put ideas into the world today.”                                                         – Robert McKee Author, Lecturer and Story Consultant

Successfully telling of stories to support causes and fundraising is fundamental to building community awareness and support. Great stories can be sourced from the core on the ground activities, whether as an international organisation working with a team overseas or from a group working locally.

Your job is to encourage them, your donors, and beneficiaries to tell their story. The key is to get the message out you are looking for stories and for you to progressively collect them. Do this, and over time you will have a library of stories that can be wheeled out to support your various fundraising initiatives.

Potentially you could even then take these stories and bind them into a book to celebrate your successes.

Critical to your success is careful planning of fundraising campaigns enabling the preparation of the story to meet your needs. Often stories will arouse emotions as they bring alive real situations, real problems, and pull at the heartstrings. Sensitivity is often needed.

We would be happy to work with you in the development of your causes and fundraising stories.

Learn More

Strategic Story Planning

Customer Success Stories to support Marketing and Sales

Customer Success Stories for Consulting

Technical and Product Success Stories

Graphic Design to Make Your Stories Pop!

Want to know more? Would like to have a Customer Success Story written? Maybe you have other questions? Please complete our General Enquiry Form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Usually within the next business day.