FREE REPORT: How to use Customer Success Stories to Boost Sales, Build Brand and Influence

How SMEs, Consultants and Business Owners prove beyond a reasonable doubt, they are the best supplier to use

Customer Success Stoies sell.

How SMEs, Consultants and Business Owners prove beyond a reasonable doubt, they are the best supplier to use

Who doesn’t like a good story? Stories have been used throughout the ages to inspire, educate, and pass on information to future generations. Stories create memories, stir up emotions, and unlike facts and figures are easily recalled. In other words, stories sell. 

Are your Case Studies bland and boring?

Many SMEs, IT and technical product companies produce Case Studies that are bland and boring. Unfortunately, this content blandness fails to connect with the buyer other than to present technical information. Instead, the goal should be to produce a Case Study that sells. The best way to sell with case studies is through stories that amplify the benefits of your product or service, are experiential and connect to emotions. In this way, you stand out and create a connection with the buyer.

Customer Success Stories imply positive outcomes

At the Good News Writer, we prefer to call Case Studies Customer Success Stories because when used in marketing to promote a product or service, they are just that. The words are positive, imply a positive outcome, and attract buyers who love to read success stories. In addition, case studies tend to be fact-based. Whereas, Customer Success Stories are emotionally based. Customer stories connect and empathise with the target customer’s key pain points and then present a viable solution. Customers buy on emotion and justify their purchase decision based on logic.

Imagine you were a Payroll Software Venor

For example, suppose you were a payroll software vendor. In that case, you could create a Customer Success Story about a customer who has improved its processes, lowered its costs, and reduced its manual processing by installing your software. In this case, the story follows the featured customer’s journey from problem to solution to bring the story alive and ensure the target reader’s interest.

If you were another business owner struggling with the same issue, i.e. the time and cost it took to process your payroll and see the story, you would stop and read it. The customer story aimed at your target buyer must be relevant and interesting enough to get their attention.

Stories sell when planned properly

Careful strategic story planning is required to ensure stories are carefully framed, contain vital messages, provide reader education and demonstrate the specific benefits the “hero” received from using the product or service. In other words, the story in the target customer’s eyes must be credible and authentic. For example, if you Include customer quotes and specific performance metrics to validate product claims, you will amplify credibility. And in doing so, your target customer, in reading your story, learns why they should do business with you.

In summary

In summary, stories sell because-

  • Readers relate and empathise with the information presented,
  • Stories are seen as credible and authentic,
  • They educate and often overcome objections,
  • The information presented validates product claims by demonstrating the results and benefits you have delivered to other customers,
  • They arouse emotions and memories,
  • Stories build Brand

Let's chat

If you would like to add a Customer Success Story or Case Study to your Sales and Marketing arsenal, let’s chat. And, together, prove you are the best supplier to use, beyond doubt.

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